Restate exposes information on invocations and application state via its CLI and Introspection SQL API. You can use this to gain insight into the status of invocations and the service state that is stored.
This can be useful for troubleshooting. For example, a Virtual Object might be blocked and you want to kill the invocation that is blocking it, but you don't know the invocation ID. Or you want to check what is currently stored in the state of a service.
You can inspect what is stored in Restate via the UI, via the CLI (via commands or SQL queries), and via curl.
You can use the UI to debug your applications. Have a look at the UI announcement blog post to get some inspiration on how you can use the UI for debugging and understanding your applications.
SQL over the data in Restate
Restate exposes the following SQL tables:
: to inspect invocationssys_inbox
: to inspect queue of pending invocationssys_keyed_service_status
: to inspect the status of a Virtual Objectsys_journal
: to inspect the invocations' journalsys_service
: to inspect the registered servicessys_deployment
: to inspect service deploymentssys_idempotency
: to inspect idempotency keysstate
: to inspect application state
You can find the schema of each of the tables in the references.
The Restate Introspection SQL API has been implemented based on DataFusion and supports standard SQL syntax.
You can execute SQL queries via the CLI or over HTTP.
Inspecting invocations
For each of the queries we will show the CLI command and the equivalent SQL query that you can execute via the CLI or over HTTP.
Listing ongoing invocations
- curl
restate invocations list
restate sql --json "select * from sys_invocation;"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select * from sys_invocation" }'
Restate only retains the entries for active invocations, workflows or invocations that were invoked with an idempotency key. Active invocations are invocations that haven't completed yet and are either invoked or suspended. For workflows and invocations that were invoked with an idempotency key, the entries are retained for their specified retention time.
The CLI command only shows the active invocations, not the completed ones. Use --all
to see completed ones as well.
Retrieving the status of an invocation
- curl
restate invocations describe <INVOCATION_ID>
restate sql --json "select * from sys_invocation where id = '<INVOCATION_ID>';"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select * from sys_invocation where id = '<INVOCATION_ID>';" }'
The status is either:
: enqueued waiting for its turnready
: ready to be processed, but not yet runningrunning
: actively processingbacking-off
: retrying due to a failuresuspended
: waiting on some external input (e.g. request-response call, awakeable, sleep, ...)completed
: completed (this is shown only for idempotent invocations)
Inspecting the invocation journal
- curl
restate invocations describe <INVOCATION_ID>
restate sql --json "select * from sys_journal where id = '<INVOCATION_ID>';"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select * from sys_journal where id = '<INVOCATION_ID>';" }'
You see the journal printed in the output.
Inspecting invocation retries
To have a look at the invocations that are currently in a retry loop, you can execute:
- curl
restate invocations list --status backing-off
restate sql --json "select * from sys_invocation where retry_count > 1;"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select * from sys_invocation where retry_count > 1;" }'
Listing invocations that are blocking a Virtual Object
You can retrieve the invocation ID that is currently blocking a Virtual Object via:
- curl
restate invocations list --service <SERVICE> --key <KEY>
restate sql --json "select invocation_id from sys_keyed_service_status where service_name = 'test.MyServiceName' and service_key = 'myKey';"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select invocation_id from sys_keyed_service_status where service_name = 'test.MyServiceName' and service_key = 'myKey';" }'
With the CLI, you can also drill down and list only invocations that are blocking any Virtual Object:
restate invocations list --virtual-objects-only
Add --key <KEY>
to list only invocations that are blocking a specific Virtual Object.
You can then use the invocation ID to cancel the invocation.
Checking the last time an invocation was modified
- curl
restate invocations describe <INVOCATION_ID>
restate sql --json "select modified_at from sys_invocation where id = '<INVOCATION_ID>';"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select modified_at from sys_invocation where id = '<INVOCATION_ID>';" }'
This includes any modification to the invocation "data", for example when the service last switched its status from invoked
to suspended
, or when the last journal entry was added.
Checking how an invocation was triggered
To find out if an invocation was triggered via the ingress or by another service:
- curl
restate invocations describe <INVOCATION_ID>
restate sql --json "select invoked_by, invoked_by_service_name, invoked_by_id from sys_invocation where id = '<INVOCATION_ID>';"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select invoked_by, invoked_by_service_name, invoked_by_id from sys_invocation where id = '<INVOCATION_ID>';" }'
With the CLI, you see the caller at the root of the tree in the invocation progress:
🚂 Invocation Progress:―――――――――――――――――――――――[Ingress]└──(this)─> Greeter/greet
For the SQL queries, the invoked_by
field contains either ingress
or service
If the invocation was triggered by another service, then the fields invoked_by_service_name
and invoked_by_id
will supply more information about the invoking service.
Retrieving the trace ID of an invocation
- curl
restate invocations describe <INVOCATION_ID>
restate sql --json "select trace_id from sys_invocation where id = '<INVOCATION_ID>';"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select trace_id from sys_invocation where id = '<INVOCATION_ID>';" }'
Afterwards, you can use this trace ID to search for spans in Jaeger.
Listing inactive invocations
To list the oldest invocations that are not making progress:
- curl
restate invocations list --oldest-first --status pending,backing-off,suspended
restate sql --json "select * from sys_invocation where to_timestamp(modified_at) <= now() - interval '1' hour;"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select * from sys_invocation where to_timestamp(modified_at) <= now() - interval '1' hour;" }'
Listing zombie invocations
Zombie invocations are invocations that are pinned to a specific deployment but that deployment was forcefully removed. You can list them by executing:
- curl
restate invocations list --zombie
restate sql --json "select * from sys_invocation where pinned_deployment_id = '<DEPLOYMENT_ID>';"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select * from sys_invocation where pinned_deployment_id = '<DEPLOYMENT_ID>';" }'
For the SQL queries, you need to know the deployment ID of the deployment that was forcefully removed.
Inspecting application state
With the CLI
To retrieve the state of a specific service and service key, do:
restate kv get <SERVICE_NAME> <SERVICE_KEY>
If the values are not JSON-encoded UTF-8 strings, then it is also possible to use the --binary
and get the value as base64 encoded string.
With SQL queries
You can query the application state via the state
- curl
restate sql --json "select * from state where service_name = 'test.MyServiceName' and service_key = 'myKey';"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select * from state where service_name = 'test.MyServiceName' and service_key = 'myKey';" }'
If your state value is a regular string, then you can access its content in the column value_utf8
To retrieve the state of a specific service name, service key and state key, do:
- curl
restate sql --json "select * from state where service_name = 'MyServiceName' and service_key = 'myKey' and key = 'myStateKey';"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select * from state where service_name = 'MyServiceName' and service_key = 'myKey' and key = 'myStateKey';" }'
The state key is the name you used to store the state with the SDK. For example, the code snippet ctx.set("count", 1)
stores 1
under the key count
To join the sys_invocation
and state
- curl
restate sql --json "select * from sys_invocation JOIN state on sys_invocation.target_service_name = state.service_name and sys_invocation.target_service_key = state.service_key;"
curl localhost:9070/query --json '{ "query" : "select * from sys_invocation JOIN state on sys_invocation.target_service_name = state.service_name and sys_invocation.target_service_key = state.service_key;" }'
Edit application state
You can edit the application state either via the state tab of the UI or via the CLI:
restate kv edit <SERVICE_NAME> <SERVICE_KEY>
This command opens your default editor (as configured in the cli env
It sends the new state values back to the runtime to be applied.
Use --binary
if the values are not JSON-encoded UTF-8 strings.
In this case, you need to decode the base64-encoded string, and encode it back to base64 after editing.
Use --plain
to retrieve the state as a JSON object.
This can be useful in combination with tools like jq
for example:
restate kv get counter bob --plain | jq '.seen'
If during the editing of the state with the CLI, an invocation changed the state as well, then the edit of the CLI will not take affect.
If you want the CLI state edit to be applied even if the state has changed in the meantime, then use the --force
An example on how to edit the K/V state of the service counter
for the key bob
restate kv edit counter bob