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This guide takes you through your first steps with Restate.

We will run a simple Restate Greeter service that listens on port 9080 and responds with You said hi to <name>! to a greet request.


Select your favorite runtime:

Install Restate Server & CLI

Restate is a single self-contained binary. No external dependencies needed.

Install Restate Server and CLI.

brew install restatedev/tap/restate-server restatedev/tap/restate

Then run the Restate Server with:


You can find the Restate UI running on port 9070 (http://localhost:9070) after starting the Restate Server.

Get the Greeter service template

restate example typescript-hello-world &&
cd typescript-hello-world &&
npm install

Run the Greeter service

Run it and let it listen on port 9080 for requests:

npm run app-dev

Register the service

Tell Restate where the service is running, so Restate can discover and register the services and handlers behind this endpoint. You can do this via the UI (http://localhost:9070) or via:

restate deployments register http://localhost:9080

If you run Restate with Docker, use http://host.docker.internal:9080 instead of http://localhost:9080.

Send a request to the Greeter service

Invoke the service via the UI playground: click on your service and then on playground.

Or invoke via curl:

curl localhost:8080/Greeter/greet --json '"Sarah"'

Congratulations, you just ran Durable Execution!

The invocation you just sent used Durable Execution to make sure the request ran till completion. For each request, it sent a notification, slept for a second, and then sent a reminder.

import * as restate from "@restatedev/restate-sdk";
import { sendNotification, sendReminder } from "./utils";
name: "Greeter",
handlers: {
greet: async (ctx: restate.Context, name: string) => {
// Durably execute a set of steps; resilient against failures
const greetingId = ctx.rand.uuidv4();
await => sendNotification(greetingId, name));
await ctx.sleep(1000);
await => sendReminder(greetingId));
// Respond to caller
return `You said hi to ${name}!`;

It sometimes failed to send the notification and the reminder. You can see in the log how Restate retried the request. On a retry, it skipped the steps that already succeeded. Even the sleep is durable and tracked by Restate. If you kill/restart the service halfway through, the sleep will only last for what remained.

Restate does this by persisting the progress of the handler. Letting you write code that is resilient to failures out of the box.

Next: Build and run the app

Once you have implemented your service, build the app and run it with:

npm run build
npm run app

Next steps