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Databases and Restate

Restate is not only a system for resilience and durability in communication and orchestration, it can also store data like a database system, to enable writing long-lived stateful logic with strong out-of-the-box resilience.

To avoid confusion: In this page, we refer to the type of state that outlives a single workflow or durable handler execution, and that uses Restate’s Virtual Objects. This is a feature not available in typical workflow systems or durable execution frameworks.

This guide discusses thoughts on when to use Restate for that type of state, when to use a database, and how to integrate Restate and databases.

What state to store in Restate, what to store in databases

State stored directly in Restate (Virtual Objects) has a set of advantages:

  • Ultra robust: No coordination between systems is needed. Instead, state access/updates directly participate in the durable execution logic (go through the same consensus log), making the state always aligned with the business logic: no lost updates, duplications of state changes, stale views of state, etc.
  • Simple correctness model: The single-writer-per-key and linearizable consistency model means developers don’t need to worry about locks, race conditions, dirty reads, change visibility, zombie processes, etc.
  • Efficient: Computation and access patterns to state align naturally, you cannot get into situations where multiple function executions try to access/update the same database entry and contend on locks or interfere with each other's transaction. No write amplification through separate durability in an external system (instead state is simply committed with the durable execution journal data).
  • Serverless: when Restate invokes a handler, it attaches the relevant state to the request. On serverless, for example AWS lambda, this means your state is locally available when the function executes, no access delays, synchronization, wait times, etc.
  • No additional dependency - the K/V store is integrated in the core of Restate. You don't need to do anything extra to start using state when developing locally, or migrating the Restate app to cloud/production.

State stored directly in Restate (Virtual Objects) has some limitations:

  • K/V interface with single-key transactions (though a single key can store a document with flexible structures)
  • SQL is supported only for analytics / introspection, not for updates/transactions.
  • Modifiable only from the Virtual Object, not from other services. Any modification needs to be sent as a request to the Virtual Object.
  • While state can be exported in a standard way (psql client), it is managed by a less standard system, compared to some databases.

When to use which?

Use a database:

  • When you need complex access patterns, full SQL, text search, time-series analysis, etc.
  • For core business data, like your user database, products database, history of transactions, etc. that you want to access from other services as well

Use Restate for any state requiring tight integration with function logic, resilience, and correctness:

  • State that is part of transactional state machines (payment status, activation status, ...)
  • Session state (shopping cart, ongoing orders, LLM context, AI agent context, ...)
  • State that is part of distributed orchestration and coordination (e.g., versions/life-cycle of shared resources, transaction IDs, reference counts, distributed locks/semaphores/leases, ...)
  • Agents / Digital-twins (agent/twin memory and context)
  • State in event processing pipelines (aggregates, joins)
  • State of control planes (desired cluster status, resource references, ...)
  • Consistent state/metadata overlay over eventual consistent infra

How to interact with Databases from Restate

This set of examples shows various patterns to access databases from Restate handlers.

import * as restate from "@restatedev/restate-sdk";
import { Sequelize, Transaction } from "sequelize";
import { runQueryAs2pcTxn } from "./2phasecommit";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This example shows various patterns to access databases from Restate
// handlers.
// The basics are:
// (1) You don't need to do anything special, you can just interact with
// your database the same way as from other microservices or
// workflow activities.
// (2) But you can use Restate's state, journal, and concurrency mechanisms
// as helpers to improve common access problems, solve race conditions,
// or avoid inconsistencies in the presence of retries, concurrent requests,
// or zombie processes.
// The below example illustrate this step by step.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type Row = {
userId: string, // the primary key
name: string,
address: string,
credits: number,
version?: number, // the row version (used by some access methods)
const db = new Sequelize(
{ logging: false }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This service implements the database accesses similar to the way you
* might access the database from other microservices.
* It doesn't use any Restate features to help making the DB access consistent.
const simpledbAccess = restate.service({
name: "simple",
handlers: {
* Simple read from a database row.
* This is the same as it would be from any non-Restate service.
read: async (_ctx: restate.Context, userid: string) => {
const [results, _meta] = await db.query(
FROM users
WHERE userid = '${userid}'`
return results.length > 0 ? results[0] : "(row not found)";
* This performs a read in a Restate durable action, persisting the result.
* The read access is the same as in a non-Restate service, but the result
* is persisted in the execution journal.
* This is useful for example, if you have decisions/branches based on
* the result and want to ensure consistent and deterministic behavior
* on retries (where the value in the database might have changed
* in-between retries).
durableRead: async (ctx: restate.Context, userid: string) => {
const credits = await"read credits", async () => {
const [results, _metadata] = await db.query(
`SELECT credits
FROM users
WHERE userid = '${userid}'`
return (results[0] as any)?.credits;
if (credits === 0) {
// Execute some conditional logic, e.g., alerting, sending reminder.
// Automatic retries (on failure) will follow this branch again (using
// Restate's journalled value for 'credits') so code in this branch will
// reliably run to conclusion
console.log("Found an account without balance, doing something about it...");
return credits;
* Inserts a row into the database. No Restate-specific handling, this
* simply uses the database's primary key uniqueness to avoid duplicate
* entries.
insert: async (_ctx: restate.Context, row: Row) => {
const { userId, name, address, credits } = row;
const [_, numInserted] = await db.query(
`INSERT INTO users (userid, name, address, credits, version)
VALUES ('${userId}', '${name}', '${address}', ${credits}, 0)
return numInserted === 1;
* Updates a row in a database. This handler makes no specific effort to
* add idempotency, so it purely relies on database / application semantics.
* It is vulnerable to concurrent updates overwriting each other, but can make
* sense if this is fine for a specific type of (rare) update.
* For an example that use Restate to add consistency, see the examples
* further below.
update: async (_ctx: restate.ObjectContext, update: { userId: string, newName: string }) => {
const { userId, newName } = update;
// Update row - we execute this statement directly, because it is the only
// step in this handler. If the handler contains multiple steps, wrap this in
// a ` () => { ... } )` block to ensure it does not get re-executed once
// during retries of successive steps
const [_, meta] = await db.query(
`UPDATE users
SET name = '${newName}'
WHERE userID = '${userId}'`
return (meta as any).rowCount === 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* When updating single rows by primary key (on a database or a key/value store),
* you can use Virtual Objects to serialize access per key. This happens automatically
* if you access the database from a Virtual Object and use the same key for object and
* primary key in the database.
* Most databases internally serialize updates on the same row anyways (either through locks,
* or by detecting conflicts during when attempting to commit transactions and rolling back), so
* making the access sequential from the application can help to avoid lock congestion and
* avoid pathological degradation of optimistic concurrency control around contended keys.
* Furthermore, this update pattern makes it possible to use conditional updates with versions
* that don't get duplicated on retries, resulting in proper exactly-once semantics.
const keyedDbAccess = restate.object({
name: "keyed",
handlers: {
* Updates the credits for a row in a database.
* This variant makes no effort to ensure the update does not get duplicated.
* In practice, this will can reasonably safe, because there is a very small window
* time where the query gets re-executed after success, whihc is when the query succeeded,
* but Restate did not see the completion of the handler.
* Note that this is especially rare, since the single-writer-per-key semantics of the
* Virtual Object ensure that no contention on rows can happen in the database.
update: async (ctx: restate.ObjectContext, credits: number ) => {
const userid = ctx.key;
await db.query(
`UPDATE users
SET credits = credits + ${credits}
WHERE userid = '${userid}'`
* Updates the 'credits' field and uses the 'version' number to make the update
* idempotent.
* The approach is to separate reads (current credits, version) and
* updates into separate queries. The reads are kept in the execution journal, and
* the updates are conditional on the fact that the version did not change in between.
* This is sometimes referred to as a _semantic lock pattern_.
* Because the reads go through a `` step (strong consensus inside Restate),
* it is guaranteed that the same invocation will always work off of the same version.
* Regardless of partial failures/retries/zombies/network partitions, the code will
* always observe a single version.
* If all updates to the row go through this handler (or other handlers in this
* Virtual Object that use the versioning scheme) then no duplicates are possible.
updateConditional: async (ctx: restate.ObjectContext, addCredits: number) => {
const userid = ctx.key;
// first read the current credits and the version.
// Because the reads go through a `` step (strong consensus), the
// a single invocation and all if its retries can never see different values
// for version and credits.
const [ credits, version ] = await"read credits, version", async () => {
const [results, _] = await db.query(
`SELECT credits, version
FROM users
WHERE userid = '${userid}'`
if (results.length !== 1) {
throw new restate.TerminalError(`No single row with userid = '${userid}'`);
const row = results[0] as any;
return [ Number(row.credits), Number(row.version)];
// Make the update conditional on the fact that the version is still the same (see
// 'AND version = ...'). If the version is no longer the same, it means that a
// previous execution attempt updated this and crashed before completing the handler).
// It cannot be completed by a concurrent query, because all operations on the userid
// are serialized through the Virtual Object.
const [_, meta] = await db.query(
`UPDATE users
SET credits = ${credits + addCredits},
version = ${version + 1}
WHERE userid = '${userid}'
AND version = ${version}`
if ((meta as any).rowCount !== 1) {
console.debug("Update was not applied - version no longer matches.");
* Reads a row from the database.
* This one is markes as a SHARED handler, which means it doesn't queue
* with the other invocations for this key. That way reads execute immediately
* and concurrently, while writes execute sequentially.
read: restate.handlers.object.shared(
async (ctx: restate.ObjectSharedContext) => {
const userid = ctx.key;
const [results, _meta] = await db.query(
FROM users
WHERE userid = '${userid}'`
return (results[0]) ?? "(row not found)";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This service uses a second table in the database to remember idempotency tokens
* for each operation. The idempotency tokens are inserted into the database in the
* same transaction as the main operation.
* The code uses Restate's features to deterministically generate the tokens and
* to expire them after a day.
const idempotencyKeyDbAccess = restate.service({
name: "idempotency",
handlers: {
* Adds credits to a single user entry. This operation is _idempotent_ within a
* time window of a day.
* This handler uses a second table in the database to remember idempotency tokens
* for each update. The idempotency tokens are inserted into the database in the
* same transaction as the update.
* The code uses Restate's features to deterministically generate the tokens and
* to expire them after a day.
update: async (ctx: restate.Context, update: { userId: string, addCredits: number }) => {
// create a persistent idempotency key. we use Restate's random number generator,
// because that is the most efficient way to generate a durable deterministic ID.
const idempotencyKey = ctx.rand.uuidv4();
// expire the idempotency key from the database after one day = 86,400,000ms
// by scheduling a call to the handler that deletes the key
ctx.serviceSendClient(idempotencyKeyDbAccess, { delay: 86_400_000 })
// checking the existence of the idempotency key and making the update happens
// in one database transaction
const tx = await db.transaction({ isolationLevel: Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.SERIALIZABLE });
try {
// first test whether the idempotency token exists by checking whether
// we can insert one into the table (primary key constraint prevents
// duplicates)
const [_tokenRows, numInserted] = await db.query(
`INSERT INTO user_idempotency (id)
VALUES ('${idempotencyKey}')
{ transaction: tx }
if (numInserted !== 1) {
// idempotency key was inserted before, so this must be a retry
await tx.rollback();
// now make the actual update
await db.query(
`UPDATE users
SET credits = credits + ${update.addCredits}
WHERE userid = '${update.userId}'`,
{ transaction: tx }
// if everything succeeds, commit idempotency token and update atomically
await tx.commit();
catch (e) {
// speed up release of DB locks by eagerly aborting transaction
await tx.rollback();
throw e;
* Deletes the idempotency key from the database.
* This handler is involked as a scheduled call from the handler that performs
* the update.
expireIdempotencyKey: async (_ctx: restate.Context, key: string) => {
await db.query(
`DELETE FROM user_idempotency
WHERE id = '${key}'`
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Exactly-once updates to the database using a 2-phase commit integration between
* Restate and PostegreSQL.
* This uses PostgreSQL's PREPARE TRANSACTION feature to ensure that Restate
* kicks off a transaction once and only once, and it thus works without any
* additional idempotency or versioning mechanisms.
* BUT: It requires the Postgres database to enable prepared transactions in the
* configuration via `max_prepared_transactions = 100`.
* This is a _good use case_ of the 2-phase-commit protocol, because it is not
* the (rightfully) criticized use case of running distributed transactions across
* services and thus couple availability and liveliness of multiple services together.
* This case here keeps the same participants and dependencies and only uses 2pc as a
* way to split a single-participant transaction into two stages so that Restate can
* avoid executing the query against the database multiple times under retries.
* NOTE: This code currently works only on services which have a bidi streaming connection,
* (so any service deployed as http/2 or http1 bidi) due to the fact that it needs to
* differentiate re-tries of blocks from first executions, which currently works only
* for streaming connections. This is simply a missing feature and not a fundamental
* limitation.
const twoPhaseCommitDbAccess = restate.service({
name: "twoPhaseCommit",
handlers: {
update: async (ctx: restate.Context, update: { userId: string, addCredits: number }) => {
const { userId, addCredits } = update;
const query = `UPDATE users
SET credits = credits + ${addCredits}
WHERE userid = '${userId}'`
await runQueryAs2pcTxn(ctx, db, query);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Two-phase commit

import * as restate from "@restatedev/restate-sdk";
import { randomUUID } from "node:crypto";
import { Sequelize, Transaction } from "sequelize";
* Example 2-phase-commit integration library for Restate and PostegreSQL.
* This uses PostgreSQL's PREPARE TRANSACTION feature to ensure that Restate
* kicks off a transaction once and only once.
* Postgres' interface is far from optimal here, for example it does not provide a way
* to block/fence off discarded transaction IDs or establish other relationship between
* transaction IDs. As a result, this code is needs to be very aggressive in cleaning
* up previous transactions, to avoid leaving database locks in place.
* This code currently works only on services which have a bidi streaming connection !!!
export async function runQueryAs2pcTxn(
ctx: restate.Context,
dbConnection: Sequelize,
query: string) {
const action = async (db: Sequelize, txn: Transaction) => {
await db.query(query, { transaction: txn });
return runAs2pcTxn(ctx, dbConnection, action);
* See docs for {@link runQueryAs2pcTxn}.
* IMPORTANT: When using function, all queries issues must make use of the `tnx` object:
* ```
* await db.query(
* "UDATE ... SET ... WHERE ...",
* { transaction: txn }
* );
* ```
export async function runAs2pcTxn(
ctx: restate.Context,
dbConnection: Sequelize,
action: (dbConnection: Sequelize, txn: Transaction) => Promise<void>) {
// this code only works on a streaming bi-directional connection, see below.
// We loop here until we are are sure that there successfully made it through
// (1) running DB transaction, (2) preparing for commit (pre-commit), (3) recording
// that in the Restate journal.
// If we don't make it through the full squence in one execution attempt, we clear the
// pending transaction and try again under a different transaction ID. Successive re-tries
// and recoveries from failures also make sure they clean up the pending transaction.
// In the absence of failures, the first iteration will succeed.
let txnIdToCommit: string | undefined = undefined;
while (txnIdToCommit === undefined) {
// We generate the transaction ID and use a trick here to find out if we
// actually generated the ID, or whether the ID was restored from the journal.
// That is the reason this code only works on long-lived bidi connections (not Lambda),
// because on Lambda, every `` block is only ack-ed through a re-invocation
// and journal replay.
let executedThisTime: boolean = false;
const txnId: string = await"generate transaction id", () => {
executedThisTime = true;
return randomUUID();
// this is our cleanup hook for this specific transaction ID, to run in case
// we need to ensure the transaction is cleared
async function cleanup() {
try {
await dbConnection.query(`ROLLBACK PREPARED '${txnId}'`);
} catch (e: any) {
if (e.original?.code === "42704" && e instanceof Error) {
// code 42704 means "no txn with that ID found".
// => transaction was not prepared (crashed before) or already rolled back
// => we can ignore this
throw e;
try {
const txnRan = await"run txn attempt (or cleanup old txn)", async () => {
// If we did not generate this transaction ID, a previous execution attempt did.
// We don't know whether that execution made it to the point that it already prepared
// the query (pre-committed) and crashed just before recording the completion of the
// `` block in the Restate journal. As a result, we clean up that transaction ID
// to be on the safe side and not leave lingering database locks.
if (!executedThisTime) {
return false; // try again with a different txnId
// run:
// (1) the query transaction
// (2) pre-commit step (prepare transaction)
// (3) record this in the Restate journal
const txn = await dbConnection.transaction();
try {
// (1) run the main app-defined database query (or queries)
await action(dbConnection, txn);
// (2) pre-commit - after this step, the txn is immutable and not rolled back
// any more after closing/disposing/loss-of-connection
await dbConnection.query(`PREPARE TRANSACTION '${txnId}'`, { transaction: txn });
// (3) if this durable block returns ('true' recoded in journal) step (3) will
// be completed
return true;
} catch (e) {
await txn.rollback();
throw e;
if (txnRan) {
txnIdToCommit = txnId;
} catch (e) {
// clean up in case the query didn't go through, to speed up release
// of possibly prepared txn
await cleanup();
throw e;
// now commit the prepared transaction - this step is idempotent, so if it was
// already committed, this does nothing
await"commit prepared transaction", () =>
dbConnection.query(`COMMIT PREPARED '${txnIdToCommit}'`)
function checkRunsOnBidi(ctx: restate.Context): boolean {
// this needs to be replaced by the actual check, which needs an additional
// property to be exposed in Restate
return true; // dummy value for now

Running the examples

This is purely optional, the example code and comments document the behavior well. Running the example can be interesting, though, if you want to play with specific failure scenarios, like pausing/killing processes at specific points and observe the behavior.

Check out the readme of the example on how to run the example.